Facial Recognition for Google Glass demoed

Google Glass is an awesome device and as soon as they reached developers, there are a lot of new great apps that make them extremely useful. The new app called MedRef for Glass has been designed for medics working in hospitals and is able to recognize faces and pull information from a database based on that.

By using MedRef, a medic wearing Google Glass can just take a look at the patient and he will find out everything about him. No more searching in records and trying to find out about allergies and other stuff about the patient. By using Google Glass, the medic has everything in his sight already.

But we’ve only seen a demo of the app and it will probably take some time until we’ll see it in hospitals, but it proves that this can be done and it will make things easier for everybody.

Once the facial recognition technologies get improved, we’ll be able to use them in many more areas, not just hospitals. We often meet people, but forget their names, but Google Glass could help us with that.

The team managed to add contact information to Google Glass and they only have to say the patient’s name or take a photo of his face to bring up his records. We’re probably quite far from seeing this implemented in the real time, but not as far as you may think. Facial recognition technologies have improved a lot and we’ve seen them at work already on Facebook and Google Plus.

There’s still a lot to improve, but Google Glass might revolutionize technology in the upcoming years, along with the developers working on great apps like MedRef.

Watch the video below to see how the app works.