Glass App Turns The Device Into Your Personal Eye Doctor

If you are living on a planet far far away, you definitely haven’t heard about Google Glass. Well lucky for you, dear reader, I will shed some light on the matter. Google Glass is a next gen piece of wearable tech, which will allow you to stay connected even while you’re on the go. It can shoot videos, take pictures, update you with the latest weather forecast and, best of all, it accepts voice commands. All this is made possible by a small computer-cube attached to the side of the glasses. The device will not hit the market until 2014, but for the moment being it is tested by more than ten thousand happy volunteers across the US.

Foreseeing the major impact this product will have on the market upon release, many companies have started developing products/apps for the Google Glass. One of these companies which have acquired interest in this particular market niche is If you’ve guessed it from the name, these guys specialize in everything concerning eyesight, and therefore they decided to take the next step. They got in contact with RustyBrick, a New York-based custom applications maker, to envision and create a one-of-a-kind app for Glass.

EZexam will give you an eye checkup. No trip to the eye doctor, but the spirit is kept the same: the letter E shall displayed in different direction and sizes, and the user has to vocally asses the position of the E, weather is pointing up or down, right or left. The game is designed on levels, completion of all levels gives an overall score. This test is based on an actual eyesight checking chart, called the E Chart which optometrists prefer to use for testing children. EZexam is a fun and interactive, and most of all, really accessible way to find out how your vision is holding up. What it would interesting is for the app to give you an approximate diagnosis and advise you to go for a complete check up, when needed.

It is making use of the Google Mirror API paired up with the Voice Commands. Since Google Glass has only a prism (screen) on the right side, the app will be testing only the right eye. This will not substitute the medical exam, but still it’s more fun and less disturbing than a visit to the doctor. Having something like this implemented on a device you will carry around all day long, will allow you to take the test in a multitude of situations e.g. while on the way to work, while waiting in a queue, etc.

All current users of Google Glass may find this app here where it’s available for testing. Try it and share your thoughts with us!

  • BeckonsAttore

    Um. I still think that I will be preferring the eye doctor in Edmonton. This is pretty odd and forces me to be at least somewhat skeptical about this.