The First Google Glass Game From Glu Mobile Announced

If you remember, a few days ago we’ve told you that even though the Glass can create a neat gaming experience, no one has developed any app games for it, so far.
However, this is about to change because Glu Mobile has released some information regarding their upcoming Glass game called Spellista. Google Glass’s first game is about creating, solving and sharing puzzles with other users.

On the 19th of November, the company Glu Mobile Inc. announced during Google’s event, the Glass Hackathon, their first Glass app, which also happens to be the device’s first exclusive game. Spellista is actually a word puzzle app which comes with a number of preset puzzles, which can be solved by users. Additionally, it offers the possibility of creating new puzzles which can be further shared with other users or friends that play the game. Glu Mobile is a worldwide leader when it comes to developing and publishing free app games for tablets or smartphones and now they have made their move into the Glass environment. Spellista was included on the GDK beta platform which has been recently released in the developer world and comes with some neat features, such as a voice tutorial and peer-to-peer messaging support. These features were developed by the development team of Glu’s cross-platform.

During the presentation, Niccolo de Masi, Glu Mobile’s CEO stated that through this first game app, created exclusively for the Glass, the company is proving once more their market value and their principles when it comes to developing software for newly born platforms. Confident in the Glass’s future, he also said that it is a real honor for them to be a part of Google’s plan. As for Spellista, de Masi said that it represents a new perspective over the interactive digital content.
The application was integrated in the GDK so that it would make full use of the Glass’s accelerometer, camera, gyroscope and voice recognition. In addition, Glu Mobile integrated in the system, a sharing feature which permits users to develop and send new game levels to other players, using Glass’s voice recognition and camera. So, if you are bored with the first nine levels Spellista initially provides, then you could easily create new ones.

Glu’s Vice President of the Cross-Platform Development, Sourabh Ahuja, said that the game was fully integrated in the Glass with Google’s help and support, so that it would offer an amazing gaming experience.

Spellista’s Executive Producer, Lian Amaris says that by offering the possibility of further creating game levels for other friends or users, Spellista supports instant communication. More than that, when someone you are fund of creates something for you to play exclusively, it could really motivate you in finishing the game.
You can check out Spellista, here: