Glass Gets XE11 Software Update – Improved Calendar Access And Directions

While making last-minute adjustments to its Google Glass Explorer Edition device, the search giant is also constantly updating the wearable’s software. The update we want to analyze closer now is the X11 software version, released this month. So, the update features a new way to make a screenshot with the Glass and a new device setup for which Google has made a tutorial.

If you were waiting to see huge improvements in this moment of Glass’s evolution, you will feel disappointed, because this month’s update consists in a few setup modifications and a minor adjustment in control gestures. Now the Glass software is able to recognize the command “Ok Glass, get directions to home/ work” and extract the necessary address information using Google Now, which deducts your major hangouts based on the location where you spend most of your time. Of course, you can also set these addresses manually.

Another improvement brought in the voice command register, is allowing the user to search through its calendar by voice command. So, when saying “Ok Glass, google my agenda” you will see a quick preview of your calendar, or you can use more specific commands such as “Ok Glass, what am I doing tomorrow?”. Among the many features and characteristics that steer the rumor mills about the Glass, these updates are the less important of any other leak existent out there. These features were expected to appear ever since there were discovered in the code of the first Glass edition. So, we know now that Google chose a small pace in upgrading and updating the Glass.

But if you are a Glass Explorer owner, this information is not new. And you also know that you can no longer long press the touchpad in order to open a Google Search window. Now you either have to tap three times on the touchpad when the display is off, whether to simply say “Ok Glass, google …x/y”. Google said that they turned off the previous command because a lot of people were accidentally accessing it.

In conclusion, the current update reorganized a bit the software and now the Glass is easier to personalize especially thanks to the tutorial Google released along with the update. The video contains both the previous features and the new ones and shows different shortcuts to fast access any program or feature of the device, such as connecting to a smartphone or viewing card content using the touchpad to navigate.

And something more: If you usually screen-cast your Glass content with an Android device, then you should know that MyGlass app features now a start screencast button in the notification drawer.

If you’re interested in this matter, maybe it would be as interesting to know that Google is holding a Glassware hackathon in San Francisco at the middle of November.