Google Glass Updated to XE10

We have one more update for Google Glass, the XE10, which is probably the least important update yet. It brings only a few features, but nothing really interesting. The XE9 update back in September was much more interesting and we hope to get more goodies in XE11 or XE12, as this one really doesn’t bring much. I’ll summarize below the changes it comes with.

Public transit

The navigation app now offers transit directions and it’s really useful. It includes buses, street cars and subways. As you probably know, Google Transit is pretty accurate, so you can rely on it, making it much easier to use public transit without having to check out schedules for everything. With Glass, you have everything in your eyesight.

In order to use the public transit directions, say “Ok Glass, get directions to” and you will get directions by using your prefered method of transit. In order to switch it, tap the directions card and head over to Transit.

In order to find out where this is available, check .

Links in notifications

This is a really small update that allows you to tap links in notification cards. Just tap on the card and select view site. It works for texts, emails, tweets and more.

See your interlocutor’s profile picture

When sending a message or making a comment, the background will now feature your interlocutor’s profile picture. This is pretty neat.


And we’re done with this update. Those are all the new things it comes with. We really hope to see bigger updates in the future, as this makes us think that Google isn’t working so hard on Glass anymore.