Prescription Lenses For Google Glass Revealed

Rochester Optical has unveiled the unofficial Google Glass Lenses that will be priced at $99, but they can’t be attached directly to Glass, so you will have to also purchase clip-on frames priced at $129, which take the price to $228. Fortunately you will be able to switch the lenses when needed without having to purchase another frames, so in the future it will cost the users just $99 to get another lenses.

The lenses are not available just yet, but they do look good, according to the images published by Forbes.

These lenses are created especially for Google Glass, which means the upper part of the right lens doesn’t interfere with the prism, allowing you to view it through a normal piece of Glass. If you hacked your own lens, then you would have seen the prism through prescription lenses with the risk of blurring it.

Rochester Optical should release the lenses soon, but we also expect Google to introduce the customer edition Glass, which should come with build-in prescription lenses. You will be able to order the Rochester Optical prescription lenses by the end of January and shipping should begin in early February.

Unfortunately the total price for getting prescription lenses for your current Glass model is pretty steep, at $228, because you need the Glass Prescription Lens Carriers (GLPC). Hopefully Google will release their customer edition for a lower price, as they will probably come with the build-in frames and lenses, which should lower the price significantly.

We don’t have very clear information about the release date or the device itself, but we’re expecting the company to release it sometimes around April, this year.