Doctor Live Streams Surgery Through Google Glass

We’ve talked before about live streaming surgeries through Google Glass and it’s been done before. And now we see it again, as Dr. Christopher Kaeding, an Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center surgeon live streamed a knee surgery to his colleagues, who were in a remote place.

Dr. Kaeding wanted to show how live streaming surgeries work and that Google Glass can be really useful by offering a live point-of-view. The medic streamed the surgery for his colleagues who were in different areas of Ohio.

To be honest, once we got into the surgery, I often forgot the device was there. It just seemed very intuitive and fit seamlessly.

University officials believe that Google Glass could be much more helpful than that, by allowing the medic to view a lot of data about the patient, like a MRI, for example. Doctors could also use Google Glass as a voice commanded remote control.

There are already medical apps available for Google Glass. One of them is MedRef, an app that uses facial recognition technologies in order to recognize the patient and provide the medic information about him.

But developers are working hard at the moment and we’ll see a lot of new apps very soon. Google Glass is still sold by invitation only and there aren’t very much users.

Watch the video below to see how the live streamed surgery looked like. It’s not the best video possible, as the camera isn’t very good, but we should see improvements in the near future.