Field Trip – A Google Glass App That Helps Hikers With Sightseeing

Google Glass the next big thing in terms of wearable tech can now aid tourists who are seeking guidance during their trip with the help of a fresh approved Google Inc. app. Although the search engine company has not revealed an official release date for Google Glass , it is speculated that hikers can find their way while sight seeing sometime in April, next year. The newly released software is the ninth dedicated Glass app that managed to get approved by Google.

Other startups that are struggling to get Google’s permission include gambling apps, facial recognition apps and the widely disputed adult apps. Although it is quite unlikely that Google will approve such apps judging from its developer guidelines, we can only salute the enthusiasm and hard work developers are driving in growing the Glass app ecosystem.

“Field Trip” was released yesterday by Niantic Labs , a Google owned company. Explorers can start testing the app and report bugs that escaped beta testing. After the app is given user permission it automatically starts to scan the area, identifies the users position and delivers short alerts and snapshots of nearby historical landmarks , hotels or places to stop for a meal from all around the world. The app draws its information from no fewer than one hundred and thirty online sources.

For those of you in love with site seeing and hiking you must remember the smartphone app with the same name that was released almost one year ago. In less than one year it has seen more than half a million downloads.

Most part of the mapping tech was already available from Google Keyhole, a project started by Hanke back in 2004. After succeeding in getting people to their destination using Google Maps, Hanke next logical step was to educate consumers regarding their destinations.  Hanke stated that he was constantly anxious that people were getting so much information on how to turn left and right and lots of useful and interesting facts regarding their position was left unused somewhere on the Web.

The Field Trip App seems to be a quite good choice for Glass users since the device can be used without having to reach for a gadget leaving their hands free for a hiking pole or a water bottle.

Judging from the lack of human guides and the constantly growing need of privacy and fresh air we are nothing but certain than Field Trip, an app that is created to alert users when they are passing a interesting landmark  with a vivid history will be a real hit.