Map Sky Brings The Stars To Google Glass

A couple of days ago we informed you (via an article that listed some of the latest apps that were added to the official Glassware directory) that there are nearly 100 (well, 88 to be precise by the second week of September) apps available for Google Glass. We also mentioned that we would cover some of the newest ones in future articles and after telling you more about the Chords Glassware yesterday, we have a new article about another recently added app. That app is names Sky Map and as its name implies, it is actually a map of the sky.

The Sky Map app is actually based on an existing smartphone app with the same name. The Sky Map app for Android based smartphones is open source and lets smartphones users explore the night sky via their handheld devices. The app identifies objects that appear in the sky and allow users to search for them. The Glass version of Sky Map displays an annotated Sky Map of the area the user is facing and the map adjusts as the user moves. The sensors are very accurate, for example if you go outside and look at the moon, you will immediately see the moon positioned perfectly with the glass.

The app is every amateur astronomer’s dream as it offers an overall image of the night sky with all the stars and the constellations and even planets that appear in the night sky. Each star and planet and constellation is identified by its name and if you don’t want to simple look over the night sky, if you want to be more specific and you want to find a particular astral body (be it a star, planet or even a constellation) you can use the included search function. Map Sky is one of the best astronomy related apps that you can find for Google Glass at the moment and we highly recommend it.