Glass Available For Purchase At Two Optometry Offices In Southern California

Starting with last week the search engine company made Google Glass available for purchase without invitation in the United States. While many tech savvy folks wasted no time and placed an order on the many future users would like to try before purchasing such a device.

Two optometrist offices – Wink Optometry and Optometrix located in southern California have recently signed a partnership with Google to offer users the possibility to test and play around with Glass before making a purchase. Obviously users can also fit their new pair of Google Glasses with prescription frames which were made earlier this year available from Google free of charge making the trip to one of these two optometrist offices even more appealing. A Glass expert is also present in each of these two locations in order to provide guidance and help to any interested customer.

The price tag for Google Glass coupled with prescription lenses remains pretty much the same, namely $1500 plus taxes and lens costs, fact that will most probably not translate into numerous sales. More and more people will be appealed to change their regular glasses with a pair of smart ones considering the price for such a swap will lower with time.

The interest and Glass liking is quite huge according to Mathew Alpert who runs Wink Optometry: “People are excited about it,” Alpert said. “People don’t understand it, but you just run through a demo with them and it clicks really quick.”

So there we have it, yet another indicator that the general public interest in Google Glass is quite high. The only drawback Glass faces as speak in order to boost the adoption rate is its rather huge price tag. At the time being Google seems to be more interested in establishing a solid distribution platform as we’ve seen a few months ago with the Luxottica group partnership before adjusting the price for a more general consumer launch.