Glass Available With Rochester Prescription Lenses Starting With January

Even though market studies and technology researchers place the Glass on a very low place in customer preferences, compared to its wearable rival, the smartwatch, Google keeps upgrading the device and enhancing its accuracy and features, to ensure its success right from the start. There is no doubt Google is expecting the Glass to be a huge hit.

And Google’s enthusiasm attracts more and more developers and companies that want to have a share of what could be the most popular device of 2014. And one of those companies is Rochester Optical, who announced recently that they will release at the beginning of 2014 an add-on for special prescription lenses, designed especially for the Glass.

More precisely, past Wednesday, Rochester Optical also made public that one of the first Google Glass Explorer users, Tim Moore, will join them in their project of designing custom prescription lenses for the device.

In an interview for Mashable, Tim Moore mentioned that by the end of January they will be able to distribute the product on the mass market.

Moore also said that that the special prescription lenses they are developing won’t come with extra costs just because they are Glass custom. According to him, when the product will be out, customers will be able to place online an order which contains information regarding their color preferences and prescription data. The custom lenses are being sent in maximum two working days.

As Moore said, the arm mount is especially made and fits perfectly to the Glass and besides, it also comes in a wide range of matching colors.

This is not the first project to be announced independently of Google’s plans with the launch of the Glass as a mass product. We believe you remember Perfect, the video blogging service presented during TechStars Seattle event. Tim Moore also specified (just like the two developers of Perfect) that this project isn’t in any way related to Google’s next actions.

This investment of Rochester Optical in the Glass is just another sign that big players have understood the idea or concept of the Glass, as Google presents it and are ready to support it. More and more companies will probably follow the movement, find an utility for the Glass and develop new services to greet the customer’s needs. With 80 years of researching and developing eyewear, Rochester Optical is one of the big players ready to take its first step in this direction.

However, the main question is whether the average consumer will embrace this idea just as well, or will completely ignore the existence of such a product.