Google Glass Concept Doesn’t Make You Look Like a Cyborg

Google Glass makes you look pretty much like a cyborg, being quite bulky and having the camera and display attached to it. This will surely be a turnoff for a lot of potential buyers, because it can make you look really socially awkward, especially that it’s not very popular yet, with only a bit over 10,000 users.

But there might be hope for everyone, as Sourcebits created a Google Glass concept that looks almost exactly as normal prescription glasses. The problem is that we don’t think Google can fit all that technology in such small frames and we’ll have to wait a few years until hardware becomes smaller.



This concept only has a small camera on the frame and a pretty discreet display attached to the lens. The other difference from casual glasses is the part of the frame that stands behind of your ear, that’s bulkier. And that might be problematic due to lack of comfort, but it’s only a guess, since the concept is only available on paper, so we didn’t get to try it. That bulkier part of the frame should house the battery and internal storage, according to the designers. The left frame also features a battery status indicator, though you have to take off your glasses in order to check it out, which doesn’t seem so useful, considering that you can see it on your display directly.

When designing this concept they also addressed one Google Glass issue, the uneven weight distribution. At the moment, most of the weight is on the right side, where all the hardware is located, including the storage, battery, display, camera, sensors and wireless communications.

We’re still yet to see the final version of Google Glass, as its release date is expected to be sometimes around April, next year, but we hope it will look better than the current one. We’re pretty sure it won’t look like this concept, but anything near this would be great.