New Google Glass Version Could Come With Eye Tracking Unlock Feature, Patent Suggests

Google has been filing patents on a regular basis and a newly discovered one points to a different way to unlock Google glass. Google is working hard to turn Google Glass into an entirely hands-free device, so they have to change some of the things we got used to, including unlocking devices.

The new patent shows us how Google is planning to let you unlock your Glass by using an eye tracking technology. Glass will follow your eye movement sequence and unlock if it’s the right one.

I don’t believe it could work on the current version of Glass, but it’s probably going to come on the customer edition, which is expected to be released later this year.

The patent was filed on November 30, 2011 and published on August 7, 2012, so it’s pretty old already, but we’ve discovered it just now, thanks to Reddit.

It doesn’t refer to Google Glass exactly, but to a wearable computer or a head-mounted display (HMD), which is actually what Glass is, but it could be used on other similar products in the future.

My opinion is that Google is planning to integrate this technology in Android Wear, which will be showcased at Google I/O, in June.

If you want to find out everything about Google’s patent, you can find it , where you can also view more pictures detailing the process.