Google Has Admitted That Its Barge Will be a Showroom

We’ve already told you about Google’s secret barge that its been rumored to become a showroom for Glass. Now it’s official, as Google admitted to TechCrunch that they are going to use the barge as an interactive space where people can learn about new technology, which basically makes it a showroom. You can read Google’s statement below.

Google Barge … A floating data center? A wild party boat? A barge housing the last remaining dinosaur? Sadly, none of the above. Although it’s still early days and things may change, we’re exploring using the barge as an interactive space where people can learn about new technology.

According to newer sources, Google’s barge should host about 1,000 visitors daily, while sailing across San Francisco. It should stay a month in each place, visiting Fort Mason, Angel Island, Redwood City, and Richmond. The structure should measure 250 feet in length and 50 feet in height, making it really big. As we’ve previously told you, it’s expected to have showrooms, along with a party deck for visitors or Google’s VIPs.

Being made out of shipping containers, it should be modular, so Google can change things pretty fast without much fuss, which makes it really interesting.

Along with this barge that Google confirmed, 3 more have been discovered that seem to be owned by Google, though we have no clear information if the company is planning to do the same thing with them. Google is either planning to open more showrooms or some water-cooled datacenters they’ve already patented.

We can’t wait to see it ready, because it might look really nice. We believe it’s going to compete with Apple’s Concept Stores, though it might be even more interesting. It’s expected to be opened once with Google Glass’ release date, in order to promote their newest gadget.